
      Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to submit your presentation of the 19th EVGA Working Meeting for publication in the proceedings of this meeting. For easy management of the volume and for a unified layout and appearance, we request that you send in your contribution in LaTeX2e using the .cls file which is attached (i.e. iagproc.cls). The page limit is 5 pages for both oral and poster presentations. An example is also attached to make it easier to prepare your paper.

As indicated at the meeting, we have set a hard deadline on May 31, 2009, in order to endeavour a timely publication of the proceedings which is of benefit to everybody.

After this date, we will not guarantee that your contribution will be considered. Please send your .tex files (LastName.tex) together with your graphs (LastName01.eps or to The receipt of your files should be acknowledged. If this does not happen within a reasonable time, you should contact again or one of the two people below for clarification.

For any questions, please contact Patrick Charlot ( or Géraldine Bourda (

Yours sincerely,

      Patrick Charlot
      Géraldine Bourda
      Axel Nothnagel.

* Proceedings example: "ExampleEVGA_Bourda.tex" & ""
* Proceedings layout: "iagproc.cls" & "nofloat.sty"
* Journal names usually used: "Journal_Names_EVGA.pdf"